How to Move House Quickly

They say moving home is the most stressful event in life. So imagine how stressful it must be if you need to do it in a hurry. Moving house at the last minute can be a real challenge. But it doesn’t need to be so bad that you’re waking up in the middle of the night with cold sweats. With some smart planning and a focused approach, you can make it happen without losing your mind. 

Here’s how to tackle a quick house move while keeping stress to a minimum.

Create a quick moving checklist

When you’re in a rush, a good checklist is your best friend. It’ll help you stay on top of all the important tasks and make sure nothing slips through the cracks. Your checklist should cover the essentials.

That includes booking a moving service, as they’re often fully booked if you leave it until the last minute. It’s also worth stocking up on supplies, such as packaging, tape—just about anything you’ll need to make the move a successful one. 

Don’t forget to sort out utilities, both at your new place and your current one. Read the metres and let the utility company know you’re moving. And of course, you’ll also need to change your address. However, it’s worth putting a redirect on your post for six months, just in case you forget to notify anyone. That way, the post will still find its way to your new address. 

With a bit of planning, you don’t need to be caught off guard. Get the right services set up and make sure you’ve got enough to pack all of your belongings, and you’ll be ready to go, both literally and figuratively. 

Prioritise time-sensitive tasks

Some things just can’t wait when you’re moving in a hurry. 

  • Book movers or a van right away. Go for a large luton van to cut down on trips and save time.
  • It’s also worth roping in some reliable friends to help. Ask them well in advance so they don’t make other plans.
  • Order packing equipment from somewhere like Amazon with next-day delivery. Get more than you think you’ll need because running out halfway through will only create more stress and anxiety.
  • Sort out your utilities and change of address. Deal with water, gas and electric on moving day for accurate metre readings. 
  • Cancel your phone and internet and let the council know in advance. You can update DVLA and banks after you’ve moved.
  • If you’re getting cleaners in, book them ASAP. Aim for them to come the day after you move out. Most cleaners need at least two weeks’ notice.

Getting these tasks sorted early will set you up for a smoother move and help reduce last-minute panic.

Declutter as you pack

A last-minute move can also present the perfect opportunity to declutter your life. As you’re packing, take a moment to consider each item. Do you really need it? Have you used it in the last year? Does it bring you joy? By asking these questions, you can sort your belongings into three categories: keep, donate, and trash.

This process not only reduces the volume of items you need to move but also gives you a fresh start in your new home. It’s easier to unpack and organise a smaller number of items that you genuinely want and need.

Start with the areas of your home that tend to accumulate clutter, like cupboards, the garage or spare rooms. Be ruthless in your decisions—if you’re on the fence about an item, it might be time to let it go.

Pack efficiently with what you have

When you’re in a rush to move, you don’t always have time to gather all the ideal packing materials. But don’t worry, as your home is full of items that can double as packing supplies.

Start by using your suitcases, laundry baskets and even bin bags to pack clothes and soft items. These are especially useful for bulky items like bedding and towels. For fragile items, skip the bubble wrap and use your linens, towels and clothing as protective wrapping. This not only saves money on packing supplies but also creates more space by packing two types of items together.

Large pots and bins can be used to store kitchen items, while dresser drawers can be left full and wrapped in cling film to keep contents in place during the move. Even your fridge and freezer can be used to transport dry goods if they’re clean and empty.

Packing hacks for speed

  • Pack room by room to avoid confusion.
  • Leave clothes on hangers, cover them with garbage bags.
  • Label boxes by room, not by specific items.

These efficient packing methods will help you tackle your move quickly and cost-effectively. Remember the goal is to get everything safely to your new home – perfection isn’t necessary when time is of the essence.

Organise essential items separately

In the chaos of a quick move, it’s easy to lose track of those all-important items—you know, the everyday essentials. Avoid the frustration of rummaging through boxes for your toothbrush or phone charger by packing a separate essentials bag.

This bag should contain everything you’ll need for the first day or two in your new home. Think of it as your survival kit for the immediate aftermath of the move. You’ll save time and reduce stress during those crucial first hours by keeping these items easily accessible.

Essential items to pack separately

  • Toiletries, medications, and electronics
  • A few days’ worth of clothes
  • Important documents (passport, lease, etc.)

Don’t forget to include any items specific to your needs, such as contact lenses, a basic tool kit or your child’s favourite toy. Having these essentials at hand will make your first night in your new home much more comfortable, allowing you to tackle unpacking with a fresh start the next day.

Consider hiring professional help

When time is tight, professional help can make all the difference. While it might seem like an added expense, the right services saves you time, stress and potentially even money in the long run.

Professional movers are experts at efficiently packing and transporting your belongings. They come equipped with the right tools and materials, and their experience means they can often complete the job in a fraction of the time it would take you. The option is particularly valuable if you’re short on time or don’t have friends available to lend a hand.

If your new home isn’t ready yet, consider renting a storage facility. Doing so allows you to move out of your current property before your contract ends or your house sale completes. While it means you’ll effectively move twice, it can provide valuable flexibility in your moving timeline.

And if you’re really pressed for time, some moving companies offer comprehensive services. They’ll pack your belongings, transport them and even unpack at your new home. While more expensive, this full-service option can be a lifesaver in extremely time-sensitive situations.

Remember the goal is to make your move as smooth as possible. If hiring help allows you to focus on other crucial aspects of your move or simply reduces your stress levels, it might be worth the investment.

Clean as you go (or hire a cleaning service)

A clean home is necessary for reclaiming your deposit if you’re renting or avoiding last-minute disputes with buyers. Plus, there’s the simple courtesy of leaving it in good condition for the next people who move in. 

Clean each room one by one, as you pack, or consider hiring professional cleaners to save time and energy. After all, for some, the idea of giving the place a full clean after packing and moving everything might be a step too far. 

Quick cleaning tips before leaving

  • If doing a DIY clean, focus on high-traffic areas like floors, countertops, and window sills
  • Clear out rubbish and leftover packing materials
  • Professional cleaners typically need four to eight hours, depending on property size and team
  • Aim to move out at least two days before losing access, allowing time for a final clean

Whether you clean yourself or hire help, ensure you have enough time to leave the property spotless. It’s a final task that can make a significant difference in your moving process.

Stay calm and keep moving

A last-minute move can feel overwhelming, but keeping your cool makes all the difference. Panic slows you down, so channel that nervous energy into getting things done.

Break the move into smaller, manageable chunks. Taking this approach makes the entire process feel less daunting and gives you a sense of accomplishment as you tick off each task. Again, don’t hesitate to ask friends or family, as extra hands can significantly lighten the load.

Stress-reducing tips for a last-minute move

  • Tackle one room at a time
  • Delegate tasks to others if possible
  • Take breaks

While it might seem counterintuitive, short breaks can actually boost your overall efficiency. Use these moments to hydrate, grab a snack or simply take a few deep breaths. These brief pauses can help you reset and refocus, ultimately speeding up your progress.

The goal is to move, and perfection isn’t necessary. Keep pushing forward, and before you know it, you’ll be settling into your new home.

Moving quickly with Property Rescue

Property Rescue offers a fast, guaranteed house buying service that can exchange contracts in as little as 48 hours – or a timeline that suits you. We cover all legal fees and costs and are members of the National Association of Property Buyers. If you need to sell quickly, get in touch for a no-obligation offer within hours. We can also offer assistance in moving if you choose to sell your home directly to us.

Danny Nieberg

I have deep knowledge and experience in the property sector having worked in the industry for many years. I oversee several brands within our group. My experience encompasses high volume property trading, management of residential and commercial property portfolios, and property development.

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