Homeowners in the UK are Overestimating the Value of their Properties
We’re all houseproud, but is it having an impact on perceived house prices as people over-egg the values of their homes across the UK? According
We’re all houseproud, but is it having an impact on perceived house prices as people over-egg the values of their homes across the UK? According
Despite its relatively high cost, it’s also the most desired renovation project, with 27% of UK homeowners revealing that their kitchen is the room they’re
43 new homes are set to be developed at a former residential care home site in the leafy Birmingham suburb of Edgbaston by local housebuilder
An online platform designed to speed up and improve the experience for estate agents and vendors when completing private treaty sales is being developed by
Phase one of a major student development near the University of Warwick in south west Coventry has been completed, with assistance from leading consulting engineer
A number of factors have been blamed for the delays – namely, new complexities resulting from COVID-19 and strong demand, while difficulty scheduling surveyor visits
It is suggested that, at the point of purchase, roughly 10,000 homeowners were not advised that they could be due to pay less stamp duty
Indeed, with an average house price of £173,311 combined with an average rent price of £1,052 per month, the research by CIA Landlord places Salford
It’s vital that housing developers incorporate quality green spaces into their projects, ecology consultancy Ecological Planning & Research Ltd (EPR) has said. It points out
Some 78% of landlords have discovered a pet living on their property that their tenants did not tell them about, a new study by CIA
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