Who to Inform When Moving House | A Full Checklist

Moving house can be a stressful time and – with all of the other pressing tasks on your list –  knowing who to inform about your move can feel overwhelming and complex. But it doesn’t need to be!

We know just how busy this period is for you so, to make life easier, we’ve compiled a list of all the organisations and individuals to inform of your move so you don’t end up falling into more expenses (or lost mail!).

Authority Organisations

Here’s a list of all the government authorities to inform about your house move:

Council Tax – To ensure you’re paying the right amount of council tax after moving, you’ll need to update your address on the Gov.uk.

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) – Once you’ve settled into your new home, you have to notify HMRC about your change of address as they handle your income tax, state pension, national insurance, tax credits and various benefits.

Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) – If you’re receiving any benefits or a state pension, you’ll need to let DWP know about any changes to avoid missing payments you’re owed.

Electoral Commission – You’ll also need to re-register on the Electoral Roll so that you are still eligible to vote in local and general elections.

Royal Mail – Of course, you’ll want to redirect your post to your new address so you don’t miss out any important notices!

 Household-Related Companies to Inform

It’s good to make a list of all of the household services you manage and see if any of them need redirecting to your new address, this can include:

  • Internet providers
  • Satellite Television
  • Phone providers
  • Tv Licensing
  • Food delivery or magazine subscription

Be sure to contact your gardeners or handymen that you usually hire and let them know about your new address so that they can continue to offer their services! To find local, professional tradesmen in your area, you can utilise sites like Rezigo which compare quotes on any job you need for your property.

Work Organisations

When moving house, it’s vital for you to inform your employer to ensure your details have been updated on the system and all your details are correct for payroll purposes. Or, if you are planning on starting a new job soon – be sure to provide the new address to avoid any confusion on either end.



This one is super important! It’s crucial for you to call your banks and any credit card providers and inform them of your new address for security reasons.

The Bank — If you delay contacting the bank and changing your address, this can become a huge problem in terms of data security. All banks and building societies use your home address as a way of identifying you so that you can access your account. (If you’re pressed for time, most banks have an option on their website for you to update your details.)

Credit Card Providers – If you have any credit cards from lenders separate from your bank, it’s crucial that you update your address with them in case they need to issue you a new card or send you important post.

Loan Companies –  This is another one to have on your list when thinking of who to inform about your move! This is important to prevent the chance of you missing any payment reminders.

Car-Related Services

DVLA – You’ll need to let DVLA know that you are moving home so that they update their system and get a new driver’s licence out to you with the right address on it. You can do this online, though it’s good to know that it could take up to 4 weeks to update.

Car Insurance – Whichever company you have your car insured with, let them know that you’ve moved home (this could change your premium)

Other Services

Education Providers – Have children in local schools or colleges? You’ll want to let them know that you’ve moved home so they have the correct details on file in the case of any emergency.

 Healthcare Providers – In terms of opticians or dentists, it may be a little lower on your priority list when informing people, however it’s still important that you update any healthcare services or register with the ones in your new local area.

Who to Inform When Moving House | Summary

And that’s a wrap! We’ve taken you through the full list of organisations, services and individuals to inform when moving homes to ensure a smooth and hassle-free transition (and to prevent anything getting lost in the post!).

We’d recommend starting off with the government organisations and banks to ensure all your data is secure and up to date, and then making your way to household services and personal subscriptions.

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Danny Nieberg
I have deep knowledge and experience in the property sector having worked in the industry for many years. I oversee several brands within our group. My experience encompasses high volume property trading, management of residential and commercial property portfolios, and property development.

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