‘Affordable housing’ redefined by West Midlands Combined Authority
The definition of ‘affordable housing’ has been altered by the West Midlands CombinedAuthority (WMCA), with the term now referring to mortgage values or rent costs
The definition of ‘affordable housing’ has been altered by the West Midlands CombinedAuthority (WMCA), with the term now referring to mortgage values or rent costs
Some 44% of homeowners in the UK would opt against buying their home if given the choice again, according to research from home interior company
Many UK homes struggle to retain heat as efficiently as homes in other European nations, even when the outside temperature is factored in. Indeed, a
Mortgage payers could end up up to £350,000 better off over the next 30 years compared to those who rent privately, according to new research.
Legal experts are warning that letting agents, as well as landlords, could be held accountable if they fail to obtain licenses for rented properties subject
New research claims that almost three quarters of properties in the London Borough of Westminster are underpriced – the greatest proportion of anywhere in the
HS2 is a continual debate. The confusion among the public is at an all-time high and there are more will there won’t there’s than a
The desire for homeownership for people in the UK is stronger in women than men, but they also have less confidence that they’ll ever achieve
Thurrock in Essex was home to last decade’s biggest house price increases outside London, according to modular housing developer Project Etopia’s analysis. Indeed, their report,
It has been announced that homeowners can now take out 35-year mortgages with Help to Buy properties. A loophole has been closed following a move
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